Apr 30, 2009

iPhone - provision and cert

Just a quick note if you have the same issues like I had.

After you finished debugging in your simulator, it is time for you to deploy on your device. You must have a developer ID and cert before you can do that. More details please read the official document. But even you followed every steps in the guide, you might be encounting some errors. I solved that by manually open the Info.plist with vim, then modify key "CFBundleIdentifier" to what is in your provision file. Save it, launch XCode. Then you should be good.

Another issue I had was if you get someone's Xcode project, and the owner happened deployed it to his/her devices, you will failed to deploy it to your device. To fix this, you have to do it in a terminal, open the project_home/project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj. Search for "PROVISIONING_PROFILE...", then replace it with your profile identifier in the Organizer.

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